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Friday, June 30, 2006
With a name like Dani California Devils gonna come when I was gonna moan yeah A little lonely she was stealing another breath I love my baby to death had meepok todayyy:D stupid aileen got in the queue with all the queue cutters and in the end she cut MINE. haha. [: shiu an drew so many ugly stuff on my hand during CE :( I KNOW WHY DORA ONG RETIRED(: thanks to vanessa! hahaha it's like really funnny! apparently like sec ones dont like her and during the survey they wrote stuff like how oily her face is and should go get a facial. haha. stupid. i'm boredddddd. shit man haha i'm getting influenced by jacq :((((((( that's bad. and i bought a red cross ticket from her am i nice or what. SINYEE READ THIS. devi: sinyee's posts has substance too just that it's all too summarised devi: we just have got to be happy for her that her summary skills are so good Saturday, June 24, 2006
Everything seemed ok when I started out the other dayYoZxZx went compass point just now to get school stuff BUT forgot my stupid pencil box like what the. fricking yee's fault ok, she was like in a hurry and stuff. haha. and that woman donated like 10 cents and when i donated 50 cents she was so fricking incredulous like it was a 2 dollar note, but seriously it's no secret i'm a generous soul haha had oral yesterday super shitted, dont even know if it's counted for ca. anyway jasmine was entertaining us with her stupid lame jokes. k then went shaw to meet cecilia and michelle who were fricking late as usual. went borders first to get michelle's star trek book. yvoone i didnt see the new gg book. so then we checked out the cds.. ate long john later, haha got a good view of the lingerie store. and there's this auntie and she's like holding up the stringy kind.. how they call it lingerie i dont get. it's like just three strings tied together ok. did the straits times sale thing later with cecilia, that's so the last time i do flag day. it's so facking lame :(((((((( lame-chop. hahaha. plus it's so facking ass tiring i hate it. k and i havent finished my hwk i think i'm more than halfway done though lol. there's still so much mooree, michelle's so fricking lucky she's not even gonna go school. ok seriously go also no point. hahah damn cool lah i wanna migrate too i dont like singapore it's too lousy. 26 more hours to high school musical, sinyee the loser wont be able to watch it:D haha kiddiiiing
everything so negative okay hahaha what the effing hell. Thursday, June 22, 2006
hello coolness i've finally finished reading the book for the chinese book review i think it's a really crappy stupid book it talks about this guy who makes bad friends at school and like.. joins black society or something, and he has this girlfriend but they dont ever kiss. :( how lame is that seriously.and then i was reading the stupid book halfway and stupid huiting told me i could use last year's book review like omgzx why didnt you tell me E A R L I E R you suck mann. :( i swear that woman's getting bulimia she pukes so much, hahaha. ok my HSM's downloaded 83% but i'm very sad cus it only lets me preview 12 seconds of the movie :( and my scary movie 4's 30% downloaded not bad huhhh i only started 2 days ago. ohhhhh i only found out on tues that my cousin pierced her ears like 2 weeks ago and she says it wasnt pain at all and i'm like !!! :( that sucks. so i'm the only one who nearly died piercing her ears lah huh. ok more interesting stuff from my grandma she said in the 80s this mexican footballer missed the goalpost and he got shot dead by someone when he was walking out from some bar or something. haha. aint it fuunnyyy Monday, June 19, 2006
Turn up the radio, blast your stereo right now. This joint is fizzlin', It's sizzlin', Right heyho:D yesterday was very funnnn me and devi played solitaire showdown checkers and minesweeper flags all afternoon and my cousins came to eat dinner in the evening. MANNNNNN i dunno why i didnt notice it before but the jap flag looks GROSS. hahaha. okay like just imagine the flag in a semicircle... get it? hahahaha. you need good imagination skills. like me. haha and then there was this part in the match where it was super funny lahhh "the guy used his dick to defend" haha OMG MY COUSIN'S WORDS NOT MINE. okay and my grandparents wonder about the STUPIDEST things in the match. like you know the police wearing those orange vests, they stand with their back to the game cus they need to observe the crowd, and my grandma was wondering if they really just stood there and dont turn around. and in the iran match she was wondering if it was against the rules for them to wear their jerseys cus you know it's like short sleeved and irans arent supposed to show their flesh? hahhaa like omg man. Friday, June 16, 2006
? Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play.? Pick your favorite lines from the first 15 songs that play. ? Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from. ? Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly. 1. And still it's you who's always calling me this late at night, I know you miss the way I used to hold your body tight. You needed me girl but you'd never say it. 2. I know what's going on, i wont be second to none. Back up cuz u're crowdin my space, u need to get outta my face. 3. This is the road and these are the hands, From Mozambique to those Memphis nights The khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights. 4. When all you got to keep is strong, move along, move along like I know you do. And even when your hope is gone, move along, move along just to make it through. 5. we ran in circles and wasted time, from right to wrong, from right to wrong. 6. Never thought that you wanted to bring it down, I won't let it go down till we torch it ourselves 7. These days it feels naive to put your faith in hope, to imitate a child, fall backwards on the snow 8. Did I ask too much, more than a lot. You gave me nothing, now it's all I got 9. Everything is fed up straight from the heart, tell me what do you do when it all falls apart. Gotta pick myself up where do I start, cuz I can't turn to you when it all falls apart 10. You took my hand, you showed me how. you promised me you'd be around, Uh huh that's right. 11. Who knows just how to get what I want and what I want to do is spring this on you. Back up all of the things that I told you 12. Step one you say we need to talk, He walks you say sit down it's just a talk, He smiles politely back at you, You stare politely right on through some sort of window to your right. 13. this world is always gonna break your heart 14. but sometimes telling the truth is easier said than done, don't leave baby now that's what I meant to say. 15. it's not like you didn't know that I said I love you and I swear I still do. And it must have been so bad cus living with me must have damn near killed you HOW ASIAN ARE YOU [x] You take your shoes off before entering the house [x] You eat rice often. [x] You use chopsticks. [x] You can speak an Asian language. [x] Your parents want good grades from you. [x] Your parents insist you don't date until college. [x] Your parents want you to go to OxBridge. or some other good university like that. [x] Your parents believe in Feng Shui. [] You listen to those horoscopes/zodiac signs. [] Your parents love to gossip with the other parents about you. [] You have relatives other than your immediate family living with you. [x]Most or all of your friends are Asian. [x] You don't even know 10 people who aren't asian. [x]Your ancestors came from Asia. [x] You are obsessed with the computer and can't get enough. [] You know how to put a computer together. [] You listen to Asian music. [] You can actually understand the lyrics. [x] You have to keep things from your parents,even if they're not bad, because you know they'd THINK it's bad. [] Your relatives love to bring you clothes that are bright in color with cute cartoons on them. If you're lucky, it might even have English words on them that don't make sense. [] You love your ethnic food. [x] You have taken/still take piano and/or violin. [] Classical music is the best music ever, next to asian music. [] You are good at Math. Multiply by 4, Put the product as __% Asian 52% ASIAN hello i got sick of my old skin. haha. so i changed it. ummmmmm went for pizza lunch with yee today yummy my pizza was really good. compared to yee's flavourless pizza. haha and then we went to look at cds and stuff. and eat sour skittles. [x] I have read a lot of books. [ ] I have been on some sort of varsity team. [x] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping. [ ] I have been to Canada. [] I have been to Europe. [x] I have watched cartoons for hours. [x] I have tripped UP the stairs. [ ] I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs. [] I have been snowboarding/skiing. [x] I have played ping pong. [] I swam in the ocean. [ ] I have been on a whale watch. [x] I have seen fireworks. [x] I have seen a shooting star [ ] I have seen a meteor shower. [ ] I have almost drowned. [x] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear. [x] I have listened to one CD over and over and over again. [] I have had stitches. [ ] I have had frostbite. [ ] I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there. [x] I have stayed up 'til 2 doing homework/projects. [] I currently have a job. [x] I have been ice skating. [x] I have been roller blading. [] I have fallen flat on my face. [x] I have tripped over my own two feet. [] I have been in a fist fight. [x] I have watched the Power Rangers. [] I attend Church regularly. [x] I have played truth or dare. [ ] I have already had my 16th birthday. [ ] I have already had my 17th birthday. [x] I've called someone stupid. [x] I've been in a verbal argument. [x] I've cried in school. [] I've played basketball on a team. [ ] I've played baseball on a team. [] I've played football on a team. [] I've played soccer on a team. [ ] I've done cheerleading on a team. [ ] I've played softball on a team. [ ] I've played volleyball on a team. [ ] I've played tennis on a team. [] I've been on a track or cross country team. [x] I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life. [] I've bungee jumped. [] I've climbed a rock wall. (I got stuck halfway, does that count?) [x] I've lost more than $20. [x] I've called myself an idiot. [x] I've called someone else an idiot. [] I've cried myself to sleep. [x] I've had (or have) pets. [] I've owned a spice girls CD. [x] I've owned a Britney Spears CD. [] I've owned an N*Sync CD. [x] I've owned a backstreet boys CD. [] I've mooned someone. (whats mooning) [x] I have sworn at someone of authority before. [] I've been in the newspaper. [] I've been on TV. [] I've been to Hawaii. [x] I've eaten sushi. [] I've been on the other side of a waterfall. [x] I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies. [x] I've watched all the Harry Potter movies. [] I've watched all of the Rocky movies. [] I've watched the 3 stooges. [] I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica. [x] I've watched Looney Tunes. [] I've been stuffed into a locker/I have stuffed others into lockers. [] I've been called a geek. [x] I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade. [] I've not studied at all for a test and aced it. [] I've hugged my mom within the past 24 hrs. [] I've hugged my dad within the past 24 hours. [x] I've met a celebrity/music artist. [x] I've written poetry. [] I've been arrested. [x] I've been attracted to someone much older than me. [x] I've been tickled till I've cried. [x] I've tickled someone else until they cried. [x] I've had/have siblings. [] I've been to a rock concert. [] I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it. [x] I've been in a play. [] I've been picked last in gym class. [] I've been picked first in gym class. [x] I've been picked in that middle-range in gym class. [x] I've cried in front of my friends. [x] I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages. [] I've played Halo 2. [x] I've freaked out over a sports game. [] I've been to Alaska. [x] I've been to China. [] I've been to Spain [] I've been to Japan. [x] I've had a fight with someone on MSN. [x] I've had a fight with someone face-to-face. [x] I've had serious conversations on MSN. [x] I've forgiven someone who has done something wrong to me. [x] I've been forgiven. [x] I've screamed at a scary movie. [x] I've cried at a chick flick. [x] I've watched a lot of action movies. [] I've screamed at the top of my lungs [] I've been to a rap concert. [] I've been to a hip hop concert. [x] I've lived in more than 2 houses. [x] I've driven on the highway/been on the highway. [x] I've driven more than 40 miles in a day/been in a car that went more than 40 miles in a day. [] I've been in a car accident. [] I've done drugs. [x] I've been homesick. [x] I've thrown up. [] I've puked on someone. [] I've been horseback riding. [] I've filled out more than 10 myspace/LJ surveys. (i dont know) [x] I've spoken my mind in public. [x] I've proved someone wrong. [x] I've been proven wrong by someone. [] I've broken a leg. [] I've broken an arm/fingers. [x] I've fallen off a swing. [] I've swung on a swing for more than 30 minutes straight. [] I've watched Winnie the Pooh movies. [] I've forgotten my backpack when I've gone to school. [] I've lost my backpack. [] I've come close to dying. [] I've seen someone die. [x] I've known someone who has died. [] I've wanted to be an actor/actress at some point. [] I've done modelling. [x] I've forgotten to brush my teeth some mornings. (haha nz! hibernation mode, can't move) [x] I've taken something/someone for granted. [x] I've realized how good my life is. [x] I've counted my blessings. [x] I've made fun of a classmate. [] I've been asked out by someone and I said no [] I've slapped someone in the face. [] I've been skateboarding. [] I've been back stabbed by someone I thought was a friend. [x] I've lied to someone to their face. [x] I've told a little white lie. [] I've taken a day off from school just so I don't go insane. [] I've fainted. [] I've had an argument with someone about whether cheerleading is a sport or not. [] I've pushed someone into a pool. [] I've been pushed into a pool. [] I've been/am in love. Thursday, June 15, 2006
![]() jetboat ride! stupid hoting bought 4 pics for $25 which could've bought like.. 5 shirts in jayjays(: haha lousy hoting:D - ok i swear i'll do my homework tonight.. i really really will, and i'll finish it by sunday so next week i can start studying for tests. Monday, June 12, 2006
i swear i'm getting so addicted to football ahhaha. seriously i think females have so much more to gain out of watching football cus we can watch it for the game and ogle the guys at the same time:D but males can't do the latter.hahhaa yeah you never know, football might be a unisex thing in the future :D peter crouch is fricking tall! there's good tall and there's freaky tall and he falls in the freaky tall category. i would upload a picture but i hate uploading it in blogger cus it's damn slow and yesterday's referee in the netherlands match was damn ass funny he issued like how many yellow cards in fact i'm surprised no one got a red one :) and omg there's the australia vs japan match tonight at 9, but at 10 there's desperate housewives like omggg how am i gonna choose? Saturday, June 10, 2006
alohaaawent cine ytd with yee devi and vonn to watch she's the man haha omg it's like damn funny i think it's the funniest show i've watched in months. and of course it helps that duke's so hot :D anyway i really wanna watch it again but i just watched 2 movies this week and my parents arent gonna allow me to watch one so soon so i think i'm gonna get the dvd oh and celebrated vonn's birthday too we got a cake for her haha full of cream. and we ate it at some food court but we dropped the stupid knife and candles though. hurhur. world cup started yesterday too haha i watched the first half of the germany match urm it ended 2-1 but i don't know how things ended for the second half anyway heard a lot of noise from my neighborhood during the match i'm really glad my father's not here to watch the world cup haha he scares me when he watches football, he shouts alot. makes you think something big happened like maybe the moon fell and then you realise that someone just shot a goal or something. lmao ....... half the holiday's gone i hate it:( i still have loads of homework undone and it sucks lah i havent even started reading the stupid chinese book for the chinese review omg. urrrrgh crapping shitttt! havent started doing all the heymaths stuff either and i havent even looked at the instructions for the chem newspaper thing omggggggggg i am fricking dead i hate school i hate homework >:( i dont know how to get through end of years i think this year's been really sucky my results are all screwed and i dont know how to improve it. well i'm kinda relieved i didnt take triple science those se and sy students they're all geniuses and freakssssss hahaha what i mean to say is that they're super smart. and if i went there i would've been last in class no doubt. but would i? or would i have been motivated enough to study by a better class environment. okay not that gr has a bad class environment but you know what i mean. haha okay anyway i hate this i'm gonna watch aviva open now i know i'm such a tv freak ok bye Tuesday, June 06, 2006
hmm finally got to watch x3 with aileen today omg it was damn nice and sad. :( i can't believe xavier scott and jean died. okay i kinda knew jean was gonna die again her resurrection was so wasted. but damn she's so powerful i always thought she was so lousy and extra haha. yeah and scott just acted for like 10 minutes and then he died :( arghhhhhhhhh and you know the part before logan killed jean, jean went crazy and all logan's clothes and skin started tearing off except for his bottom half. that was so... deliberateuh-huh and it was crazy aileen's third time watching it. i don't get why kat jasmine charissa and beverly don't like watching xmen it's so damn cool i bought yvonne's huge birthday present too that reminds me Happy Birthday Yvonne (: and i finally started on my homework today wow cool huh. here's something cool: did you know the hermes brand is pronounced as air-mez? maybe it's just me but i always thought that it was pronounced as her-mees hahahah but my english oral skills have always been lousy lah huh. okay ciao for now(: If it's over, let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday Saturday, June 03, 2006
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() nz was so super cool!(: and funny. haha. though there were un-fun times too. like having to wake up at like 6.30. and having lessons at night till 9. and haha i ate fish and chips till i was so sick of it man. guess i still prefer asian food. (: oh and one night it went below 0 degrees and there was frost everywhere which made the ground look white and we thought it was snow. turned out to be frozen dew though. :( awwwww visited mudflats volcanoes mountains geothermal stations caves dams and other places too. haha mudflats was super freaky there were like tiny crabs everywhere i must have stepped on nearly hundred of them. and there were these whole piles of snails too they were piling on top of each other haha and we were trying not to step on them but i think i stepped on a few volcanoes were cool we visited it on the first day and it was super windy i swear we all got nearly blown away by the wind. we saw terraces too. got a nice view of auckland. and on the sixth day or sth we came close to where mordor was filmed the place's called mt doom and it was a black mountain. or maybe it was a black volcano hahaha i don't know. walked through rainforests too. and visited caves the gloworm caves were frigging cool and pretty :) the gloworms were like on the ceiling of the caves and they looked like stars. though i was kinda scared the gloworms were gonna fall on me hahaha. but we couldnt take photos cus might scare away the gloworms or something but anyway it was so dark nothing would show up in the photo. same thing for the kiwis cus we would blind their eyes. and there's this kiwi which sleeps for 15+ hour per day haha. went for gloworm night walk too, damn scary. stupid huiting didnt bring her stupid torchlight cus she didnt have batts. haha. stupid. :D anyway we saw a few gloworms but the prettiest sight was still the night sky, it was filled with stars and you could see the whole milkyway :) damn nice and i thought i saw a shooting star:D so i made a wish. haha. nian-ci thought she saw one too visited limestone caves there were some gloworms inside and we saw the fishing lines of the gloworms damn cool! (: (: (: and we saw transgenic clones of cows. which are cows containing extra DNA stably integrated into their genome. haha. but otherwise there's no visible difference between a normal cow and a transgenic cloned cow except that a transgenic cloned cow's lazier. and saw a cow shit omg seriously gross like suddenly shit just comes out of the anus stayed overnight at a maori place for a day the other times we just stayed at other backpackers places for one night before moving. the maori place was shit ass cold and it wasnt as low tech as i thought it would be. well for one thing this girl was wearing surfer paradise shorts so you know the place's quite modern. and we had to rub noses with the family omg i was so nervous before it. the children were like damn cute! haha. and before dinner everyone was rushing to take a photo with them. oh and out dinner was like heated in the earth before being dug up it was featured in amazing race. ohohoh not forgetting the freezing jet boat ride we got ahhh DAMN COOL! we should have rode up the rapids though! the guy gave us fake hope! :((( it was super super frigging fun and the wind was just like rushing past us and freezing us and we kept screaming. hahah. especially li en. and whenever the guy did the 360 degree spin we got wet mostly the people sitting on the sides though. i wanted to sit at the side :( but i got to sit at the back though. next to priyanka who was at the side. and sitting at the back equals to getting your lungs full of carbon monoxide and being the ones with the most severely throbbing ears after the ride and allan wu took the same flight as us back to singapore i don't like him though/ dinner on the last night was freaking funny playing truth or dare haha huishan's answer was damn funny, left everyone at the table laughing like shit and me with a even sorer throat haha. nz people are oh-so-friendly and so much nicer and warmer compared to singaporeans :) in nz if you wave at someone they wave back at you and sometimes they even say hi when they walk past you. heh and this day some guys honked at us at lake taupo a lake the size of singapore trying to upload some photos but stupid blogger wont work so maybe later |